Titanfall: Life is Better With a Titan – Extended Cut
Life is BETTER with a Titan! That is unless you run into another Titan… Grab your copy of Titanfall for Xbox One or PC and join us starting March 11th!
EA and Microsoft have just announced a brand new Titanfall controller for the Xbox One. The controller is a standard wireless Xbox One controller with a Titanfall themed skinned inspired by one of the rifles in the game. The controller will retail for $64.99 and will be available when the game launches on March 11th.
At PAX East, Respawn announced that they’re working on a new 2v2 Last Titan Standing mode coming for free very soon. The developers called it “Wingmen LTS”, meaning that it’s only two of you against two other players. This mode will promote more teamwork as two on two requires players to communicate to be successful….
GamesIndustry International spoke with Vince Zampella at E3, and they talked about why Respawn decided on making an MP only game with Titanfall as well as the reason behind being on Xbox only (and PC). “For us, we’re a small startup studio,” Zampella said. “We’re 60-some developers. So for us to be able to focus…
Titanfall leaks are spilling out at the moment, and more details are surfacing of in-map features. Within the statistics section of the Titanfall Beta, there was a reference to ‘Ziplines’ and total distance travelled – this was of course always 0km given the absence of Ziplines within the Titanfall Beta. Reddit user ‘FallenFusion’ has obtained…
UPDATE: The official Titanfall Twitter profile made an update on the subject of whether or not a Season Pass will be introduced. Respawn have stated they have no details to announce around a Season Pass “at this time” – which brings into question the original tweet stating there will not be a Season Pass whatsoever. For…
Twitter and Reddit users have reported receiving an email from GameStop with an exclusive offer.By pre-ordering Titanfall from GameStop, you will also receive an “exclusive collectible poster, The Divide, when you pick up your game.”. The following is also displayed on the GameStop website: Pre-order Titanfall at GameStop now, and you’ll get the FREE GameStop exclusive…