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New details and images of the ‘Runoff’ map from the upcoming Titanfall Expedition DLC released
Respawn and EA has just posted new details on the Runoff MP Map, that’s coming with Expedition DLC to Titanfall. Runoff was an experiment to try and make a small map but still allow Titans enough pathing options so that they don’t feel constrained or limited. The core concept of the level is multiple layers…

Titanfall will not support split-screen multiplayer play
Respawn has confirmed that Titanfall will not support spilt-screen play in any part of the game. This means that the game is a 1 player only game per console; other FPS shooters allow 2 players in MP, but it seems like Respawn decided against it, maybe as balancing aspect? We don’t know for sure… SOURCE: @Respawn

Microsoft releases new video discussing Xbox One March software update
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New update for Titanfall now live on Xbox One & PC; brings Private Matches, gooser update, and more
UPDATE 2: The Xbox 360 update has been delayed till further notice. Xbox 360 players, @bluepointgames needs a little more time to fine tune the X360 update. They will provide a new release date soon. — Titanfall (@Titanfallgame) April 11, 2014 UPDATE: Xbox One & PC patch is now live. Patch for Xbox 360 comes tomorrow, April 11th. Respawn has announced…

Square Enix Play Arts unveils Titanfall Toy line
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Titanfall Alpha Test registration now open for Xbox One in NA
Fans are reporting that they’ve received emails from EA stating that they can now sign up to be allowed in an Alpha testing for the Xbox One. As of now, it’s only for the Xbox One. Once you sign up, the page says: “if you are selected to take part in our upcoming test, you…