Titanfall gameplay from Gamescom EA Conference
Respawn has debuted new videos at Gamescom.
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The Titanfall Season Pass has been officially announced after months of rumor and speculation – with some misunderstanding’s on Twitter to add to it all. The Season Pass will cover the cost of 3 planned DLC releases with a quoted saving of $5/£3, suggesting each DLC pack will cost $10/£8 each without a Season Pass….
Respawn has just posted the first details on The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, or the IMC. With the Frontier’s valuable shipping lanes and vast planetary resources ripe for exploitation, the IMC is dedicated to maximizing profits and shareholder wealth, using the legal application of force when necessary. Graves In the IMC command structure, Vice Admiral Graves is…
Feast your eyes on new Titanfall images courtesy of the Official Xbox Magazine. We just got our copy and we’ll report back any new intel obtained, for now check out the new screenshots below.. …
EA and Respawn have announced that Titanfall will be at E3 2014 this year. Respawn plans to reveal a brand new game mode and new features, which will be playable at the event for attendees. Are you attending E3? Join us at the EA booth (Booth #1601) to go hands-on with a new game mode…
The game modes within Titanfall have remained somewhat of a mystery, but all is about to change with the impending release of Titanfall. Reddit user ‘FallenFusion‘ has obtained details relating to maps, game modes and the generation system. According to the user, a game mode under the name of ‘Pilot Hunter’ is essentially the Team…
A developer for Respawn has stated on NeoGAF that itanfall has been really tough for Respawn to market due to the lack of a single player mode. “It’s actually been really tough trying to accurately market Titanfall,” Drew McCoy wrote. “If you look at what we’ve done, its a lot different than what most FPS games do….