New Titanfall video provides tips and tricks for Angel City
Join us as we provide tips and tricks for Fracture directly from Titanfall Designer Geoff Smith.
Although this will come as no surprise to many, Electronic Arts has secured sequel rights to Titanfall according to a reputable source who contacted GameSpot. According to the source, the decision to release Titanfall 2 depended on the performance of the first instalment – being the recently released Titanfall. There’s no denying Titanfall has received…
Vince Zampella confirmed the team are working with EA and Microsoft in order to deliver an improved experience for Titanfall players in Australia. Although we weren’t able to experience this first hand, some players in Australia have reported a less than impressive connection experience when playing Titanfall Beta. Vince Zamepella stated they’re pushing hard for…
Respawn and others said at first that EA’s decision to bring Titanfall exclusively to the Xbox was in regards to the Xbox Live Cloud and due to the small team. But it appears that back a few years ago, when EA did make the decision, it was because the projected the Xbox One sales would…
Titanfall Game Update 8 is coming to Xbox 360 players on December 1st. The update brings the all new co-op mode, new multiplayer modes, bug fixes, and more. Full patch notes available here. SOURCE: @Titanfallgame
Respawn aired a new trailer for Titanfall during the VGX awards tonight, and revealed the within the game company that makes the titans -Hammond Robotics. They also revealed a new class -the Ogre class.
Japanese collectible maker, Threezero, have just announced that they’ve acquired rights to produce Titanfall figures. So far they’ve only teased the Atlas but have already confirmed that a line of 1/12 (approx 20″) and 1/6 (approx 10″) Titan and Pilot figures are in the works. Still no confirmation of when they’ll be released or for…