New Titanfall IMAGES emerge from Official Xbox Magazine
Feast your eyes on new Titanfall images courtesy of the Official Xbox Magazine. We just got our copy and we’ll report back any new intel obtained, for now check out the new screenshots below..
In an interview with Digital Foundry, Respawn spoke about the initial development process for Titanfall. The game itself was originally not planned for the Xbox One, just the PC. “Originally we weren’t planning on an Xbox One version of the game. I’m certain that having an Xbox One version has made our PC version much…
Life is BETTER with a Titan! That is unless you run into another Titan… Grab your copy of Titanfall for Xbox One or PC and join us starting March 11th!
Similar to what Steam does with Free Weekends, Origin today introduced a new program called Origin Game Time. This program will allow you to download a PC game, the entire game, for free and play it for 48 hours. This new program starts off with Titanfall. It’ll start appearing on Origin in the next several…
NeoGAF user’s who have been at the forefront of Titanfall discoveries this week have yet more findings relating to XP and regeneration. Earlier in the week we reported on the generation system discovery within Titanfall which many refer to as being a ‘prestige’ system commonly known from the Call of Duty franchise. Requirements that need to be met in…
EA and Respawn have announced that Titanfall will be at E3 2014 this year. Respawn plans to reveal a brand new game mode and new features, which will be playable at the event for attendees. Are you attending E3? Join us at the EA booth (Booth #1601) to go hands-on with a new game mode…
Respawn has just revealed the second DLC pack for Titanfall called Frontier’s Edge. This new DLC pack will bring three brand new multiplayer maps to Titanfall. The three maps are called ‘Dig Site’, ‘Haven’, and ‘Export.’ Today, we would like to announce Frontier’s Edge, the second DLC pack for Titanfall. Pushing the battle to the furthest…